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January 10, 2012
For More Information Contact:

JP O'Hare

(518) 474-1201


水果派AV解说 Seal

Statement From Regents Chancellor Merryl H. Tisch And Education Commissioner John B. King, Jr. On 水果派AV解说 Race To The Top Report

"水果派AV解说 is making progress in our Race to the Top, but there are significant challenges.听

"We are successfully听implementing several key aspects of听our Race to the Top plan. We鈥檝e adopted听the Common Core standards and are听developing听curricula, professional development resources and assessments aligned to those standards.

"We are working closely with SUNY, CUNY and private colleges and universities to connect K-12 and higher education data.听 Network teams are providing professional development focused on the Common Core, data-driven instruction and evidence-based observation. We developed a website, EngageNY.org, devoted to providing information and resources to help educators implement the Common Core.

"Of course, in several important areas we鈥檝e hit significant bumps in the road.听 The development of data systems and agreements between听school districts and teachers on meaningful performance evaluations are not on track.听 The non-approval of the data portal contract and the ongoing evaluation system litigation have slowed progress.听 And tragically, many of our lowest performing schools have not yet seen significant improvement.

"It鈥檚 disappointing but not discouraging.听 We have to get this done, and we will.听 The RTTT report is a reminder that the federal government will hold us to the commitments we made in our RTTT application,听just as we will hold districts and educators to the commitments they made.

"We鈥檙e making progress, but there鈥檚 still a long way to go.听 We knew the Race to the Top wouldn鈥檛 be easy.听 But our students are counting on us.听 They need us to get this right."